Pumpkin Spider Web Hat Puzzle With Answer

Scary nights, the evil pumpkin, spider web, and magician hat reminds the retro movie scene. it still gives goosebumps, here they all are arranged in form of a Math puzzle equation, one needs to be enough smart to analyze, and understand what is given and what needs to be derived from the given data. pumpkin spider web hat viral whatsapp puzzle

Find the value of '?'

Take a pause & think...

The answer of the above equation is 29.


Let the pumpkin be ‘P
The spider web be ‘W
The magician hat be ‘H
From the above picture we can conclude the equations,
Equation (1); P + P + P + P = 36
Equation (2); W + P + W + W = 30
Equation (3); W + H + H = 33
Equation (4); P + W + H =?
Solve equation (1).
P + P + P + P = 36
4P = 36
P = 9
Putting the value of P in equation (2).
W + P + W + W = 30
W + 9 + W + W = 30
3W = 30 – 9
3W = 21
W = 7
Now substitute the value of web, W in equation (3);
W + H + H = 33
7 + 2H = 33
2H = 33 – 7
2H = 26
H = 13.
Putting, all the values of H, P & W to find the final equation (4),
P + W + H =?
= 9 + 7 + 13
P + W + H = 29


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