Guess the price of shoes and hoodie -Math Riddle

Have you ever been faced with the challenge of figuring out how much each item costs when you know the total amount you spent? In this blog post, we'll tackle a common problem involving a pair of shoes and a hoodie. By using some basic math skills, we'll uncover the prices of these fashionable items.


The total cost of a pair of shoes and a hoodie is $150. The hoodie cost $100 more than the pair of shoes. How much does each item cost?



 Answer: $125,$25

 Explanation :  

Let's call the cost of the pair of shoes "x".

    Since the hoodie costs $100 more than the pair of shoes, its cost is x + $100.

    The total cost of the pair of shoes and the hoodie is $150, so:

    x + (x + $100) = $150
    2x + $100 = $150
    2x = $150 - $100
    2x = $50
    x  = $50/2
    x = $25

    So, the pair of shoes cost $25, and the hoodie costs $125 ($25 + $100).


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In conclusion, the pair of shoes costs $25, and the hoodie costs $125. By breaking down the problem into equations and solving step by step, we were able to find the individual costs of each item. This process can be applied to many real-life situations, where math helps us solve everyday puzzles. It's a reminder that math is not just a subject in school but a useful tool in our daily lives. So, the next time you're shopping or facing a math challenge, remember that with a bit of equation-solving, you can crack the code!