100+ Funny Riddles with answers for kids and adults

Get ready to laugh and think with our collection of funny riddles. These clever and humorous funny riddles are sure to bring a smile to your face while also testing your problem-solving skills. From silly word play to ridiculous logic puzzles, our selection of funny riddles has something for everyone. So why wait? Start solving and laughing today!

Jeweler and Jailer- Funny Riddle

4. Riddles
What is the difference between a jeweler and a jailer?
    • Answer: A jeweler sells watches and a jailer watch cells.

Raw egg dropping-Funny Riddle

10. Riddles
How can you drop a raw egg from a height onto a concrete floor without cracking it?
    • Answer: Concrete floors are very hard to crack.

Man do once in lifetime-Funny Riddle

13. Riddles
What does a man do only once in his lifetime, but women do once a year after they are 29?
    • Answer: Turn 30

Two children and mother-Funny Riddle

15. Riddles
Two children are born on the same day by the same mother but they are not twins. How is that possible?
    • Answer: They are triplets!