Logic and Laughter: Discover 500+ Clever Jokes, Riddles, and Brain Teasers

Enjoy clever and fun logical jokes, riddles, and brain teasers that will make you laugh and think.

How do you do math in your head

35.Logical Joke
How do you do math in your head? 
Just use imaginary numbers. 

Why are math books so darn depressing

36.Logical Joke
Why are math books so darn depressing? 
They’re literally filled with problems.

Why does algebra make you a better dancer

37.Logical Joke
Why does algebra make you a better dancer? 
Because you can use algo-rhythm.

What did one math book say to the other

39.Logical Joke
What did one math book say to the other? 
Don’t bother me, I’ve got my own problems here. 

Why did the mathematician go broke

40.Logical Joke
Why did the mathematician go broke? 
Because he couldn't find a decimal point! 

Why was the math classroom so cold

41.Logical Joke
Why was the math classroom so cold? 
All the angles were below zero!