6+4=4 - Matchstick Puzzle

32.Matchstick Puzzles
Test your IQ, try to solve this equation by moving only one matchsticks. 
Matchstick Puzzles : 6+4=4 Matchstick Puzzle

Matchstick Image : 6+4=4 Matchstick Puzzle


      Explanation :

       Move one stick from 6 and place it in a standing position. Equation will become like 0 + 4 = 4. 
      Matchstick Puzzles : Solved 6+4=4 Matchstick Puzzle

      Matchstick Image : Solved 6+4=4 Matchstick Puzzle

      Matchstick Puzzles : Answers 6+4=4 Matchstick Puzzle

      Matchstick Image : Answers 6+4=4 Matchstick Puzzle