1-1 = 9 - Matchstick Puzzles

9.Matchstick Puzzles
Move only 2 matchsticks to correct the wrong equation.
Matchstick Puzzles : Matchstick Puzzles 1-1=9

Matchstick Image : Matchstick Puzzles 1-1=9


      Explanation :

       Move one stick from 9 to + sign, which becomes +,
      again move one stick forward from 9, which becomes 2,             
      the correct equation we get is 1 + 1 = 2. 
      Matchstick Puzzles : Solved Answer Matchstick Puzzles 1-1=9

      Matchstick Image : Solved Answer Matchstick Puzzles 1-1=9

      Matchstick Puzzles : Answer Matchstick Puzzles 1-1=9

      Matchstick Image : Answer Matchstick Puzzles 1-1=9