A duck was given $9 - Math Riddle

Ever come across a tricky riddle that seems like a math puzzle? Here's one that might tickle your brain: a duck receives $9, a spider gets $36, and a bee is given $27. But what about our feline friends, the cats? How much money would they receive in this scenario? Let's dive into the numbers and crack this intriguing puzzle.


A duck was given $9, a spider was given $36, and a bee was given $27. Based on this information, how much money would be given to a cat?


Explanation :  

Assuming there’s a mathematical order to this (not a troll question) the things that stand out would be that all the numbers are divisible by 3 and 9, and the main difference between ducks, spiders, bees, and cats would be the number of legs.

From there we have the following

Duck (2 legs): 3 * 3 = 9 * 1

Bee (6 legs): 3 * 9 = 9 * 3

Spider (8 legs): 3 * 12 = 9 * 4

It’s now easy to see. Therefore, if n = pairs of legs, then the amount of money each animals receives is 9n. A cat with 2 pairs of legs would receive 2 * 9 = $18




Solving this riddle required a keen observation of the relationship between the amount received and the number of legs each animal possesses. By applying simple division and recognizing the pattern, we found that a cat would receive $18 based on the logic applied to the duck, spider, and bee. Riddles like these often challenge us to think creatively and apply basic math principles in unexpected ways!