Grand Father, Father and Son - Math Riddle

Introduction: Have you ever heard a riddle that made you stop and think? Let's explore one of those intriguing puzzles. Imagine a family trip to the movie theater, but there's a twist. A grandfather, two fathers, and two sons go together, and they all buy one movie ticket each. The question arises: How many tickets did they buy in total? Let's dive into this math mystery and solve it step by step.


A grandfather, two fathers, and two sons went to the movie theater together, and everyone bought one movie ticket each. How many tickets did they buy in total?


Answer: 3

Explanation :  

Let's denote:

G = Grandfather F = Father S = Son

According to the information given:

  1. The Grandfather is also a Father (G = F)
  2. The Father is also a Son (F = S)

This can be represented using the following equations:

  1. G = F
  2. F = S

Now, let's consider the scenario at the movie theater:

  1. The Grandfather (G) bought 1 ticket.
  2. The Father (F) bought 1 ticket.
  3. The Son (S) bought 1 ticket.

So, the total number of tickets bought can be represented as:

G (tickets) + F (tickets) + S (tickets)

Substituting the relationships from above:

1 ticket (G) + 1 ticket (F) + 1 ticket (S)

Since G = F and F = S, we can substitute to simplify:

1 ticket (G) + 1 ticket (G) + 1 ticket (G)

Combining like terms:

3 tickets (G)

Therefore, the total number of tickets they bought is 3, which confirms the original answer.


In conclusion, this family outing resulted in the purchase of 4 movie tickets. The relationships within the family can make the scenario seem complex at first, but with a little mathematical reasoning, we were able to determine the total number of tickets bought. Family outings to the movies always make for great memories, and now we know exactly how many tickets were needed for everyone to enjoy the show!