Smallest number that increases by 12 - Math Riddle

Mathematics is full of intriguing puzzles that tickle our brains. One such puzzling riddle involves a number that, when flipped and turned upside down, magically increases by 12. It’s a head-scratcher that seems impossible at first glance. Let’s dive into this brain-teaser and uncover the secret behind this curious number.


What is the smallest number that increases by 12 when it is flipped and turned upside down?



Answer: 86

Explanation :  

Let's denote the original number as . When this number is turned upside down and flipped, it becomes a different number, denoted as .

When the original number, , is turned upside down and flipped, it becomes . According to the given problem:

The problem also specifies that  is 12 more than the original number, :

From the previous equation, we know that ′=98, so we can substitute this value into the equation:


Now, to find the original number, , we need to solve for :

Hence, the original number, when turned upside down and flipped, becomes 98, which indeed is 12 more than 86.

This mathematical explanation confirms that the number in question is 86, as it satisfies the conditions provided in the problem.



Math is full of delightful puzzles, and the enigma of numbers that increase when flipped and turned upside down is one such intriguing mystery. The smallest number that achieves this astonishing feat is 86, increasing by 12 when transformed into its flipped counterpart, 98. It’s a playful reminder of the hidden wonders that numbers hold and the joy of unraveling mathematical mysteries.