The Statuette Robbery

Detective Riddles

Kushal was alone at home and heard that something had fallen in his wife`s room. He entered and saw that her favourite statuette was broken. At that moment someone ran out of the room.

Kushal tried to catch up with the stranger. But in the street the lenses on his eyeglasses fogged up because of cold weather. He could see nothing, giving the stranger the opportunity to disappear.


Kushal told this story to Detective Mehul, but he refused to investigate the case. Mehul asked him to stop lying and admit that it was he who had broken the statuette.Was Kushal`s story fake?

    • Yes, it was. Kushal ran out into the street while chasing a stranger. But eyeglass lenses don`t fog up when a person comes out of a warm room and into the cold. He was just afraid to confess to his wife that he had broken her favourite statuette.