Move 2 Matchsticks to Make 4 Equal Triangles

54.Matchstick Puzzles
Move 2 matchsticks to change the cube to 4 equal triangles.
Matchstick Puzzles : move-2-matchsticks-to-change-cube-to-4-equal-triangles

Matchstick Image : move-2-matchsticks-to-change-cube-to-4-equal-triangles

    • Explanation :

       First, move the top matchstick of the second diamond shape to the middle of the first diamond shape horizontally.
      Next, take the right corner matchstick of the second diamond shape and shift it to the middle of the third diamond shape. This will create four equal triangles.
      Matchstick Puzzles : move-2-matchsticks-to-change-cube-to-4-equal-triangles-answer

      Matchstick Image : move-2-matchsticks-to-change-cube-to-4-equal-triangles-answer

      Matchstick Puzzles : move-2-matchsticks-to-change-cube-to-4-equal-triangles-answer-image-2

      Matchstick Image : move-2-matchsticks-to-change-cube-to-4-equal-triangles-answer-image-2