Move 2 Matchsticks to get 5 Squares from House - Matchstick Puzzle

1.Matchstick Puzzles
Move 2 matchsticks to get 5 squares.
Matchstick Puzzles : Move 2 matchsticks to get 5 squares from house

Matchstick Image : Move 2 matchsticks to get 5 squares from house


      Explanation :

       Move two matchsticks from the roof of the house to the square and place them inside the square in form of a + sign which creates 4 squares inside a square
      Matchstick Puzzles : Solve Answer move 2 matchsticks to get 5 squares from house

      Matchstick Image : Solve Answer move 2 matchsticks to get 5 squares from house

      Matchstick Puzzles : Answer move 2 matchsticks to get 5 squares from house

      Matchstick Image : Answer move 2 matchsticks to get 5 squares from house