Count the number of squares - Math Riddle

Puzzles are a fantastic way to engage our minds and have some fun. Today, we have an interesting challenge for you - counting the number of squares in a given figure. It's a great exercise in observation and mathematical thinking. Join us as we explore this intriguing puzzle and learn how to approach it step by step.


Count the number of squares in the given figure?


Square Number Counting Riddle



Explanation :  

  • N1: The number of simplest squares (1 component).
  • N2: The number of squares with two components.
  • N4: The number of squares with four components.
  • N7: The number of squares with seven components.
  • N9: The number of squares with nine components.
  • N17: The number of squares with seventeen components.

Now, we can use these variables to express the total number of squares in the figure:

Total number of squares (T) = N1 + N2 + N4 + N7 + N9 + N17

From the provided information, we have:

N1 = 13 (simplest squares) N2 = 4 (squares with two components) N4 = 4 (squares with four components) N7 = 4 (squares with seven components) N9 = 1 (square with nine components) N17 = 1 (square with seventeen components)

Now, we can calculate the total number of squares:

T = 13 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 1 + 1 T = 27

So, the total number of squares in the figure is 27, as you've correctly calculated.



In conclusion, counting the number of squares in a figure can be a delightful and engaging challenge. It encourages us to sharpen our observation skills and think mathematically. The final count may vary depending on the complexity of the figure, so take your time and enjoy the process. Puzzles like these remind us that math can be both fun and a great workout for the brain. So, have a go at it and see how many squares you can find in the figure!