What is the next number - Math Riddle

Number series puzzles can be a fun way to challenge your brain and enhance your problem-solving skills. In this blog post, we'll explore a unique number series where the last digit is moved to the front to create the next number. Let's dive into this intriguing mathematical puzzle and find out what the next number in the series should be.


What is the next number in the series?

7,645 5,764 4,576 ?



   Answer: 6,457

   Explanation :  


Let's say you have a number represented as "ABCD," where A, B, C, and D are digits. In the given series:

  1. The last digit (D) is moved to the front.
  2. The other digits (A, B, and C) are shifted one place to the left.

So, mathematically, the transformation can be represented as:

Original Number: ABCD Transformed Number: DABC

In this way, the last digit is moved to the front to create the next number in the series. For example:

  1. For 7,645:

    • Last digit D = 5
    • The remaining digits ABC = 7,64
    • So, the transformed number is 5,7645.
  2. For 4,576:

    • Last digit D = 6
    • The remaining digits ABC = 4,57
    • So, the transformed number is 6,457.

You can use this mathematical pattern to generate the next number in the series by applying the same rule: moving the last digit to the front and shifting the other digits one place to the left.



Solving number series puzzles can be a rewarding mental exercise, and understanding the pattern behind them is the key to finding the correct answer. In this case, by applying the rule of moving the last digit to the front and shifting the other digits to the left, we discovered that the next number in the series is 6,457. Keep challenging your mind with such puzzles to enhance your problem-solving skills!