114+ Brainteasers with answers for kids and adults

Brainteasers with Answers - "Challenge your brain and improve your problem-solving skills with our collection of brainteasers. From logic puzzles to wordplay, our brainteasers will keep you entertained and engaged for hours. Whether you're a student looking to boost your grades or an adult looking to keep your mind sharp, our brainteasers have something for everyone. Test your mental aptitude and see just how clever you are with our challenging and fun collection of brainteasers."

The Boat and the Plank-Brain teaser

16. Riddles
A boat is floating in the water, and a heavy plank of wood is on the boat. If the plank is thrown overboard into the water, what will happen to the water level?
    • The water level will drop. When the plank is on the boat, it displaces a volume of water equivalent to the weight of the plank. When it's in the water, it displaces only a volume equal to its own volume, which is less than the volume displaced by its weight.

The Water and Wine Puzzle-brain teaserhaa

17. Riddles
You have two glasses, one filled with water and the other filled with wine. You take a spoonful of water and pour it into the wine glass, then take a spoonful of the wine-water mixture and pour it back into the water glass. Is there more water in the wine or more wine in the water?
    • The amounts of water in the wine and wine in the water are the same. The process of mixing and exchanging liquids balances out the quantities.

The Farmer's Crossing-brain teaser

18. Riddles
A farmer has to cross a river with a wolf, a goat, and a cabbage. He has a boat that can carry only himself and one other item at a time. If left alone, the wolf will eat the goat, and the goat will eat the cabbage. How does the farmer get all three across the river safely?
    • 1. Take the goat across the river.
      2. Go back and take the cabbage across the river.
      3. Bring the goat back with you.
      4. Take the wolf across the river.
      5. Go back and take the goat across the river again.

The Paradox of the Barber-brain teaser

19. Riddles
In a town, there is a barber who shaves everyone who does not shave themselves, but he does not shave those who do shave themselves. Does the barber shave himself?
    • This is a paradox. If the barber shaves himself, then he must not shave himself (because he shaves only those who don’t shave themselves). If he does not shave himself, then he must shave himself (because he shaves everyone who doesn’t shave themselves). The situation is logically impossible.

The Water and Wine Puzzle-brain teaserhaa

20. Riddles
You have two glasses, one filled with water and the other filled with wine. You take a spoonful of water and pour it into the wine glass, then take a spoonful of the wine-water mixture and pour it back into the water glass. Is there more water in the wine or more wine in the water?
    • The amounts of water in the wine and wine in the water are the same. The process of mixing and exchanging liquids balances out the quantities.

The Escaping Prisoner-brain teaser

21. Riddles
A prisoner is locked in a room with no windows and only one door. The room is empty except for a mirror and a table. How does the prisoner escape?
    • The prisoner looks in the mirror, sees what he saw, takes the saw, cuts the table in half, two halves make a whole, and he climbs out through the hole.

The Infinite Hotel-brain teaser

22. Riddles
A hotel with an infinite number of rooms is fully occupied. A new guest arrives. How can the hotel accommodate the new guest without evicting anyone?
    • Move the guest in room 1 to room 2, the guest in room 2 to room 3, and so on, freeing up room 1 for the new guest. This method works because the hotel has an infinite number of rooms.

The Crossing Bridge-brain teaser

23. Riddles
Four people need to cross a bridge at night. They only have one torch, and the bridge is too dangerous to cross without it. The bridge can only hold two people at a time. The four people take different times to cross: 1 minute, 2 minutes, 7 minutes, and 10 minutes. How do they all get across in the shortest time possible?
    • 1. The 1-minute and 2-minute people cross first with the torch (2 minutes).
      2. The 1-minute person goes back with the torch (1 minute).
      3. The 7-minute and 10-minute people cross with the torch (10 minutes).
      4. The 2-minute person goes back with the torch (2 minutes).
      5. The 1-minute and 2-minute people cross again (2 minutes).
      Total time: 17 minutes.

The Missing Dollar-Brain teaser

24. Riddles
Three friends check into a hotel room that costs $30. They each contribute $10 and pay the bill. Later, the hotel realizes they made a mistake and the room only costs $25. The bellboy is sent to return $5 to the friends. Unsure how to split the $5, the bellboy decides to give each friend $1 and keep $2 as a tip. Now, each friend has paid $9 (totaling $27), and the bellboy kept $2, which sums up to $29. Where is the missing dollar?
    • There is no missing dollar. The mistake lies in the way the total is calculated. The $27 already includes the $2 that the bellboy took. So, $25 went to the hotel, and $2 went to the bellboy.

The Magic Number

25. Riddles
Pick any number. Double it. Add 9. Subtract 3. Divide by 2. Subtract the original number. What number are you left with?
    • The number is always 3, regardless of the original number you picked.

The Unpredictable Elevator

26. Riddles
An elevator is on the 10th floor. It goes down 7 floors, then up 4 floors, then down 6 floors, then up 3 floors, then down 5 floors. On which floor is the elevator now?
    • The elevator is on the 1st floor. (Start at 10, then move down 7 to 3, up 4 to 7, down 6 to 1, up 3 to 4, and down 5 to 1.)

The Hourglass in a Box

27. Riddles
A box contains 10 different hourglasses, each with a different sand timer value. You randomly pick one hourglass, turn it over, and let it run out. What is the probability that you picked the hourglass that takes the longest time to empty?
    • 1. Start both hourglasses at the same time. 2. When the 4-minute hourglass runs out, flip it immediately. 3. When the 7-minute hourglass runs out, flip it immediately. 4. When the 4-minute hourglass runs out again (at 8 minutes), there is 1 minute of sand left in the 7-minute hourglass. 5. Let that 1 minute pass. You’ve now measured exactly 9 minutes.

A man and a photograph-Brain Teasers

28. Riddles
A man is looking at a photograph of someone. His friend asks who it is. The man replies, Brothers and sisters, I have none. But that man's father is my father's son. Who was in the photograph?
    • Answer: His son.

Job polish and herb-Brain Teasers

29. Riddles
What is special about these words: job, polish, herb?
    • Answer: They are pronounced differently when the first letter is capitalized.