Matchstick puzzles with answers to improve your brain.

We have to move one matchstick puzzles with answers, move 2 matchstick puzzles, 100+ matchstick equation puzzles, and matchstick puzzles for adults. These matchstick number puzzles will improve your spatial thinking and logical ability.


Move 2 Matchsticks to Get 11 Squares - Matchstick Puzzle

46.Matchstick Puzzles
Can you make 11 squares by just moving 2 matchsticks?
Matchstick Puzzles : Move 2 to get 11 Square

Matchstick Image : Move 2 to get 11 Square


      Explanation :

       Firstly move 2 matchsticks from roof of house and place those sticks below to get a window-like structure. So we get 11 squares.
      Matchstick Puzzles : Solved Answers Move 2 to get 11 Square

      Matchstick Image : Solved Answers Move 2 to get 11 Square

      Matchstick Puzzles : Answers Move 2 to get 11 Square

      Matchstick Image : Answers Move 2 to get 11 Square

Move 4 Matchsticks to Create 3 Squares

47.Matchstick Puzzles
Move 4 Matchsticks to create 3 squares.
Matchstick Puzzles : Creat 3 square matchstick puzzle

Matchstick Image : Creat 3 square matchstick puzzle


      Explanation :

       The below image will make you understand the solution better. 
      We just have to shift the matchsticks shown as below images.
      Matchstick Puzzles : Solved Answers Creat 3 square matchstick puzzle

      Matchstick Image : Solved Answers Creat 3 square matchstick puzzle

      Matchstick Puzzles : Answers Creat 3 square matchstick puzzle

      Matchstick Image : Answers Creat 3 square matchstick puzzle

Create Another Word From PAN - Matchstick Puzzle

48.Matchstick Puzzles
Remove one matchstick to create another word.
Matchstick Puzzles : Creat Another word matchstick puzzle

Matchstick Image : Creat Another word matchstick puzzle


      Explanation :

       The solution to this puzzle is very simple, the question says we have to remove one stick to create another word. 
      So, the question says pan, just remove one stick from "P" which becomes "F" and we get another word FAN.
      Matchstick Puzzles : Solved Answers Creat Another word matchstick puzzle

      Matchstick Image : Solved Answers Creat Another word matchstick puzzle

      Matchstick Puzzles : Answers Creat Another word matchstick puzzle

      Matchstick Image : Answers Creat Another word matchstick puzzle

Matchstick riddle ad - 1

Move 3 Matchsticks and Make 2 Squares - Matchstick Puzzle

49.Matchstick Puzzles
Try to solve this puzzle just by moving only 3 matchsticks to make 2 squares. 
Matchstick Puzzles : Move 3 and make 2 squares matchstick puzzle

Matchstick Image : Move 3 and make 2 squares matchstick puzzle


      Explanation :

       The Bottom 2 square sticks have to be shifted above with 1st square at the top and the middle stick has to be placed at the right top.
      Matchstick Puzzles : Solved Answers Move 3 and make 2 squares matchstick puzzle

      Matchstick Image : Solved Answers Move 3 and make 2 squares matchstick puzzle

      Matchstick Puzzles : Answers Move 3 and make 2 squares matchstick puzzle

      Matchstick Image : Answers Move 3 and make 2 squares matchstick puzzle

Move 2 to Create Another Word From 100 - Matchstick Puzzle

50.Matchstick Puzzles
Move only 2 matchsticks, change 100 into a word CAT.
Matchstick Puzzles : Creat Another word matchstick puzzle 50

Matchstick Image : Creat Another word matchstick puzzle 50


      Explanation :

       Let"s solve the puzzle, 
      1. Remove 1 stick from the last zero (0) that becomes "C" shift that sticks to the top of number 1 which becomes "T".
      2. From middle zero shift the stick to the middle, which becomes "A" Word "CAT". We get in "TAC" format and rearrange them in the correct order. 
      Matchstick Puzzles : Solved Answers Creat Another word matchstick puzzle 50

      Matchstick Image : Solved Answers Creat Another word matchstick puzzle 50

      Matchstick Puzzles : Answers Creat Another word matchstick puzzle 50

      Matchstick Image : Answers Creat Another word matchstick puzzle 50