100+ Challenging math riddles to keep your mind sharp

If you want to improve your mathematical skills and challenge your brain, these 100+ math riddles are for you. From basic arithmetic to advanced algebra, these math puzzles and math equations will test your problem solving abilities and help you hone your math skills. These riddles are a fun and engaging way to improve your math skills. Check your answers against the provided solutions or try to solve them all on your own. Either way, you'll be sure to have a good time while you're at it.

There is a unique number - Math Riddle

121. Math Riddles

There is a unique number which when multiplied by any number from 1 to 6, we will get the new number that contains same digits only.

Can you find that number ?




Explanation :  

142857 * 1 = 142857
142857 * 2 = 285714
142857 * 3 = 428571
142857 * 4 = 571428
142857 * 5 = 714285
142857 * 6 = 857142
These number are considered as cyclic numbers.


For long they are racing ? - Math Riddle

122. Math Riddles

Before the start of the car race, Tony Stewart and Jamie Mcmurray have the same amount of fuel in the car. With this fuel Tony Stewart can drive for 4 hours while Jamie can drive five hours. After a time they realize that amount of fuel left in Tony car is 1/4th of the fuel in Jamie car. For long they are racing ?



5/6 hours

Explanation :  

Let's call the amount of fuel in each car as "x".

Tony Stewart's car can drive for 4 hours with x amount of fuel, so his fuel consumption rate is x/4.
Jamie Mcmurray's car can drive for 5 hours with x amount of fuel, so his fuel consumption rate is x/5.

After a certain amount of time, they realize that the amount of fuel in Tony's car is 1/4th of the fuel in Jamie's car. So, x/4 = x/5 * 1/4.

Solving for x, we get x = 20.

So the amount of fuel in each car is 20.

Now, we can use the fuel consumption rate of each car to find out how long they have been racing.

Let's call the time they have been racing as "t".

Tony's car has x - x/4 * t = 20 - 20/4 * t = 20 - 5t amount of fuel left.
And Jamie's car has x - x/5 * t = 20 - 20/5 * t = 20 - 4t amount of fuel left.

We know that Tony's car has 1/4th of the fuel left in Jamie's car, so:
20 - 5t = (1/4) * (20 - 4t)
Expanding and simplifying, we get:
20 - 5t = 5 - t
25 - 6t = 5
t = 5/6 hours.

So, they have been racing for 5/6 hours.




Horse Cowboy Boot and Horseshoe Viral - Math Riddle

123. Math Riddles

Can you solve the equation by finding the value of

A) Horse B)

Cowboy Boot

C) Horse Shoe



Horse = 10, Cowboy Boot = 1 ,Horse Shoe= 2


Explanation :  

Horse = 10, Cowboy Boot = 1 ,Horse Shoe= 2

= Step 1 =
3 Horse = 30
= Horse = 10 .....(A)

= Step 2 =
1 Horse + 2 Horse Shoe + 2 Horse Shoe = 18
10 + 4 Horse Shoe =18
HorseShoe = 2 .....(C)

= Step 3 =
2 Horse Shoe - 2 Cowboy Boot = 2
4 - 2 Cowboy Boot = 2
= Cowboy Boot = 1 ... (B)

= Step4 =
Cowboy Boot + Horse * Horse Shoe = 1+10*2 = 21 


Lena Dunham , Allison Williams, and Jemima Kirke - Math Riddle

124. Math Riddles

Lena Dunham, Allison Williams, and Jemima Kirke are 3 daughters of a good mathematician "Geroge". When I asked George the age of their daughters. He replied "The current age of her daughters is prime. Also, the difference between their ages is also prime? How old are the daughters?


Lena Dunham : 2 , Allison Williams : 5 and Jemima Kirke : 7
Age diff : 7-2 is 5 , 7-5 is 2 
and 5-2 is 3 which all are prime numbers



Equation Math Puzzle

125. Math Riddles

1000 + 40 + 1000 + 30 + 1000 + 20 + 1000 + 10 = ?


Explanation :  

1000 + 40 = 1040
1040 + 1000 = 2040
2040 + 30 = 2070
2070 + 1000 = 3070
3070 + 20 = 3090
3090 + 1000 = 4090
4090 + 10 = 4100


Social Media Icon Viral Math Puzzle Solution

126. Math Riddles

Can You Solve this Social Media icon Viral Math Puzzle ?

Find the value of ‘?’ 

Social Medial Icon Viral Math Puzzle


Answer - 88


Explanation -

Let the YouTube icon be, Yt

Let the Facebook icon be, Fb

& The Instagram icon be, I

So rewriting the equations,

Equation(1); Yt + Yt + Yt = 21

Equation(2); Fb * Yt + Fb = 72

Equation(3); I * Fb + I = 80

Equation(4); (Yt + Fb) + Fb * I = ?

Now, initiating with equation(1);

Yt + Yt + Yt = 21

3Yt = 21

Yt = 7

Substitute the value of Yt in equation(2);

Fb * Yt + Fb = 72

Fb * 7 + Fb = 72

7Fb + Fb = 72

8Fb = 72

Fb = 9

Similarly, substitute the value in equation(3);

I * Fb + I = 80

I * 9 + I = 80

9 I + I = 80

10I = 80

I = 8

Now, moving for final equation(4), substitute the values in equation(4);

(Yt + Fb) + Fb * I = ?

= (7 + 9) + 9 * 8

= 16 + 72

(Yt + Fb) + Fb * I = 88

(Yt + Fb) + Fb * I = 88


Shoes Boy Popcorn Viral Math Puzzle with Solution

127. Math Riddles

Find the value of '?' in "Shoes Boy Popcorn Viral Math Puzzle"

Take a pause & think...


Answer - ? = 43

Explanation - 

Let the pair of shoes be, S

Let the boy be, B

& The popcorn be, P

Converting the above equations in the form of the above terms.

Equation (1); S + S + S = 30

Equation (2); B + B + S = 20

Equation (3); 2P + 2P + B = 13

Equation (4); (0.5)S + (B + 2P + S) * P = ?

Now, solve equation(1);

S + S + S = 30

3S = 30

S = 10

Substitute the value of S, in equation(2)

B + B + S = 20

2B + 10 = 20

2B = 10

B = 5

Similarly, substitute B in equation(3);

2P + 2P + B = 13

4P + 5 = 13

4P = 8

P = 2

Now, substitute all the values for final equation(4);

(0.5)S + (B + 2P + S) * P = ?

= (0.5)10 + (5 + 2*2 + 10) * 2

= 5 + (5 + 4 + 10) * 2

(0.5)S + (B + 2P + S) * P = 5 + 38

(0.5)S + (B + 2P + S) * P = 43


Math Riddle: How Long Will It Take Kushal to Catch Gogo?

128. Math Riddles

Kushal runs at a speed of 15 km/h. He needs to catch Gogo, who is 75 km away. How many minutes will it take Kushal to catch Gogo if he runs non-stop?

Answer: B) 300 minutes


The time required in hours is 75 km divided by 15 km/h.

15 km/h equals 5 hours.

Converting hours to minutes: 5 × 60 = 300 minutes.




  • 240 minutes
  • 300 minutes
  • 320 minutes
  • 360 minutes

Kushal the Superhero's Candy Conundrum - Math Riddle

129. Math Riddles

Kushal the Superhero is flying over the city. He sees Gogo and Jagga stealing candies from a store. Gogo has 8 more candies than Jagga. Together, they have 36 candies. How many candies does Jagga have?

Answer: B) 14
Explanation: Let x
x be the number of candies Jagga has. Then, Gogo has 
x+8 candies. Together they have 


x+(x+8)=36, which simplifies to 


 Solving for x

x, we get 

2x=28 and 





  • 10
  • 14
  • 18
  • 12

150-Liter Spaceship Fuel Challenge - Math Riddle

130. Math Riddles

Gogo and Jagga are trying to escape in their spaceship. The spaceship needs 150 liters of fuel to take off, but they only have 97 liters. How many more liters do they need?

Answer: 53 liters

Explanation: The additional fuel needed is 150 - 97 = 53 liters.




  • 43 liters
  • 47 liters
  • 53 liters
  • 57 liters

Kushal's Wall Length Challenge - Math Riddle

131. Math Riddles

Jagga built a wall that is 14 meters long. Kushal needs to build a wall that is 4 times longer. How long will Kushal's wall be?

Answer: 56 meters

Explanation: The length of Kushal's wall is 14 × 4 = 56 meters.


  • 56 meters
  • 58 meters
  • 60 meters
  • 62 meters