100+ Challenging math riddles to keep your mind sharp

If you want to improve your mathematical skills and challenge your brain, these 100+ math riddles are for you. From basic arithmetic to advanced algebra, these math puzzles and math equations will test your problem solving abilities and help you hone your math skills. These riddles are a fun and engaging way to improve your math skills. Check your answers against the provided solutions or try to solve them all on your own. Either way, you'll be sure to have a good time while you're at it.

Missing Number - Math Riddle

76. Math Riddles

Can you find the missing number?


Missing Number Riddle


Explanation :  

The number that should replace the question mark is 9. 
The sum of the three numbers on each die equals the number written below it. 
For the first die, for example: 8 + 4 + 7 = 19; 
for the second: 8 + 2 + 1 = 11. 
Following this pattern would explain why the third die is also 11 (5 + 5 + 1) 
and why the mysterious question mark should be 9 (4 + 3 + 2).


Chess Board - Math Riddle

77. Math Riddles

How many squares are there in a chessboard?


Chess Board Math Puzzle Riddle


Explanation :  

1, 8x8 square
4, 7x7 squares
9, 6x6 squares
16, 5x5 squares
25, 4x4 squares
36, 3x3 squares
49, 2x2 squares
64, 1x1 squares
Therefore, there are actually 64 + 49 + 36 + 25 + 16 + 9 + 4 + 1 squares on a chessboard! (in total 204).


Rita studies for 2 hours - Math Riddle

78. Math Riddles

It is 9 am now. Rita studies for 2 hours, takes a bath for 1 hour, and then has lunch for 1 hour. How many hours are left before 9 am tomorrow?


Explanation :  

There will be 24 hours between 9 am today and 9 pm tomorrow.

Assumption- All the activities are performed consecutively without break

Hours consumed = 2+1+1 = 4 hours

Therefore hours remaining = 24 — 4 = 20 hours before 9 am tomorrow



If it is two hours later - Math Riddle

79. Math Riddles

If it is two hours later, then it will take half as much time till it's midnight as it would be if it were an hour later. What time is it?


Explanation :  

9 pm, or 21.00 if you prefer military time.

If it were two hours later, it would be 11 pm (23.00) — and one hour to midnight.

If it were one hour later, it would be 10 pm (22.00) — and two hours to midnight.

So, if it were two hours later than it currently is, it would take half as much time to reach midnight as it would if it were one hour later. It’s 9 pm.


12 Tomotoes mushed and ruined - Math Riddle

80. Math Riddles

A little boy goes shopping and purchases 12 tomatoes. On the way home, all but 9 get mushed and ruined. How many tomatoes are left in good condition?


Explanation :  

All but nine. that means only 9 is in good condition.


A duck was given $9 - Math Riddle

81. Math Riddles

A duck was given $9, a spider was given $36, and a bee was given $27. Based on this information, how much money would be given to a cat?


Explanation :  

Assuming there’s a mathematical order to this (not a troll question) the things that stand out would be that all the numbers are divisible by 3 and 9, and the main difference between ducks, spiders, bees, and cats would be the number of legs.

From there we have the following

Duck (2 legs): 3 * 3 = 9 * 1

Bee (6 legs): 3 * 9 = 9 * 3

Spider (8 legs): 3 * 12 = 9 * 4

It’s now easy to see. Therefore, if n = pairs of legs, then the amount of money each animals receives is 9n. A cat with 2 pairs of legs would receive 2 * 9 = $18


Speed of a train is 3 m/s - Math Riddle

82. Math Riddles

The speed of a train is 3 meters/second and it takes 10 seconds to cross a lamp post. What is the length of the train?


Explanation :  

A 30 meters. The time taken by the train to pass the stationary object is equal to the length of the train divided by the speed of the train.


An easy peasy math - Math Riddle

83. Math Riddles

An easy peasy math for adults! How fast can you find the hidden pattern?



Explanation :  

15 (16+9 ; 6+4)


What Come next - Math Riddle

84. Math Riddles

What Come next in sequence 1, 2, 6, 21, 88, __?


Explanation :  

B 445 
So 445=(88+1)5


Value of ABCD - Math Riddle

85. Math Riddles

What is the value of A,B,C,D?

Easy Math Riddle


A= 6
9+B = 19
B = 6
D = 19+14 =33
15+ C = D
C = 33-15 = 18

Explanation :  

A = 6. B = 10. C = 18. D = 33


Equation photo- Math Riddle

86. Math Riddles

Can you solve this?



Explanation :  

You see, sometimes it's necessary to compare apples and bananas. Or, in this case,
it could be pears instead of bananas. 
Pear = 9, apple = 6, plum = 4 and these make the answers 7 and 1 respectively.
so 4+9+6 =19.ers 7 and 1 respectively.


Cube Photo - Math Riddle

87. Math Riddles

How many cubes are there?


cube math riddle


Explanation :

Count the cubes carefully. there are cubes underneath other cubes.



Watermelon Photo- Math Riddle

88. Math Riddles

Can you find the missing number?


math riddle


Explanation :  

You can see that the red slice of the watermelon is 2, the yellow slice is 3 and the blue one is 1. So, the answer is?5!


Count the triangles - Math Riddle

89. Math Riddles

How many triangles can you count in this shape?


triangle mayh riddle


Explanation :  

Count the triangle carefully without leaving any triangle inside


Number Math Riddle with answer

90. Math Riddles

Can you solve this number ?


number math riddle


Explanation :  

there are four intersecting points.